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Monday, July 23, 2007

Amazon, I Bite My Thumb at Thee

Why will you not ship my damned book? WHY? If you're not going to ship it, why won't you let me cancel the order?

*Edit* I ordered the new Harry Potter book from Amazon over a week ago. Since the day I placed the order, the status has been "preparing for shipping." Unfortunately, as soon as it hits that status, you're not able to cancel the order. So, in a style very unlike my own, I sent in a complaint. While writing it, I remembered the last time I ordered something directly from Amazon, it was "preparing for shipping" for over three weeks. I can't remember what items they were, but they were said to be in stock. I wrote a complaint then too and my stuff finally got to me about five weeks after I ordered it.

My whole beef is that if my order is not going to be shipped within two or three days of being placed, how can they charge me for two day shipping? So, I politely asked them to either refund my two day shipping or to cancel my order. Pretty much they were all "Meh... You order is preparing for shipping... blah'll get your order after it ships... dancing around request... We're not trying to frustrate you, but blah blah blah... We appreciate having you as a customer" So now, I just want to cancel the darned thing and buy it at Target.


L Sass said...

Is this Harry Potter???

Anonymous said...

L Sass - is there any other book at the moment (LOL!)

I bite my thumb at Amazon, too! They should know better than to anger a Woman With Child.

Anonymous said...

How rude is THAT? They should deliver the book pronto and give you your money back. Or at least your shipping money back. GRRRR!

the lizness said...

is it Amazon or a 3rd party seller? if it's a 3rd party seller, use the option to contact the seller and try to get to the bottom of it.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.....that doesn't seem right. You can't tell me they don't have THOUSANDS of HP books.

Damn you Amazon for denying Marianne the joy that is HP7! (shakes fist)