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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Keeping Hold

On Saturday, it was like someone moved the boulder out from in front of the cave! People were coming out of there homes, rubbing their eyes, looking around like it was an alien world. What's this? Fifty degrees?

Our family was amongst those characters. And we took an exciting family walk to the soft-surface park. Nathan got to walk around the park for the first time and he was like an unleashed dog. "Gah! Catch him, Targo!" He just ran and fell and ran and fell. Nathan loves the swings, so we let him swing twice. We also introduced him to the slide. He was all "meh." Mostly, he loved the freedom of running and being a little boy. The maniacal laughter was priceless.

Saturday was one of those simple memories that I'm really going to hold onto. These days are so precious and I know they're going to go by too quickly.

1 comment:

AJU5's Mom said...

AJU5 loves to climb on the equipment, but she is like Nathan and not that excited about the slides (although she is tolerating them a lot more lately). Glad it finally warmed up in Chicago for you so you could get out!