
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Seasons of Love - 14 Months

Mr. Nathan, I was only planning to do these posts through your first birthday. But, my goodness, I feel like every day brings a new adventure!

Because there have been hints of spring in Chicago, we've been spending a lot of time outside. You and daddy went to the park on Saturday, where you ran around like a lunatic and tried to steal some other guy's pacifier. Daddy said you're not a thief, you're just a junkie.

This month, you've officially turned into a toddler. There's no baby left in that face. And that disposition. You've developed a propensity for stomping your foot when you don't get your way. I can't tell you how hard it's been not to laugh. (But I don't laugh... Because *I* am a diciplinarian. HAHAHAH!)

You're this incredibly friendly little boy who makes our days so much brighter.

Love you!


Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I will be the worst mother in the world because I will be the mother who definitely laughs at her children when they do stuff like that. I already do it with our dog and it just about kills my husband. He's left shaking his head at me every time!

Shannon said...

I hope that little cookie is feeling better. All I know is that even with all the runny noses, coughs, etc. his cuteness just keeps growing and growing and growing right along with him. I need to pinch his little face!