
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 18, 2011

And Another Month

Okay, for those of you who are still hanging around this silent part of the interwebs, my baby will be seven months old tomorrow. Seven. WTH?

We've been a little bit insane around here. Nathan has had a cold every three weeks this summer. Since it takes him 10-14 days to get through his system, he's only healthy one week per month. It sorta sucks. But, he's okay.

Daniel learned to crawl in late June. Shortly after that, he started pulling himself up. There is a great deal of head trauma at our house. It's okay though.

I start teaching again next week. This semester I will have two classes. I'm excited, but stressed, because they're both new classes. I have four days left, and several weeks' worth of work to complete. Meanwhile, I still have those little boys.

Joe has been really swamped at work lately, so he decided to take a long weekend this weekend. We're enjoying the staycation. We spent today in Millennium Park. Nathan loved it. Daniel loved the mirrors at the little cafe we ate at. Good times had by all.

Can you see his runny nose in this picture? Poor kid.

It was all entirely too exciting for Daniel.

Cloud Gate ---- aka The Bean

Splashing in the awesome fountains!

Adorable baby making friends with the adorable baby in the mirror!

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