
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 24, 2010


Nathan was bitten by another child at daycare. The little one just turned two and he's itty-bitty for his age. Nathan has a bruise about the size of a nickel and a bit of a scrape from this little man's teeth.

I imagine most of you can relate. "Oh yeah, that's happened to my kid too." It's not really that big of a deal.

I'm not mad at anyone. I think with three 2-year-old boys, it's pretty amazing that this hasn't happened before at Nathan's daycare. And Nathan, well, he forgave his playmate the same day. I'm so grateful my little clone didn't inherit my propensity to hold a grudge. I should probably learn something from this.


Breathe Gently said...

I'm glad that he's resilient. Littlies can be so rough sometimes!

Shannon said...

Poor dear. It is good he forgave so easily. Tyler was bitten in daycare when he was around 3. For years he thought the other child had taken quite a chunk out of his little hand. Finally, he got old enough to understand that didn't happen. If it had, he would have a large, nasty scar. But I guess it traumatized he so badly he made it worse in his little mind. Poor babies.