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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Working It Out

My BFF Amy and I are working on a new website. Essentially, we're trying to help each other lose weight. Amy is one of the most wonderful people I know and I'm pretty sure she'd support me in whatever I would like to do. In this case, she's helping me get healthy and lose weight.

Our goal is to encourage each other, and other busy women with small children, to get active and eat healthy. We're going to tweak recipes so that they're low-fat, but still tasty. So, if you don't have an Amy, or you'd just like to join us, please stay tuned. We're going to try to get our website up and running later this week.


Anonymous said...

Here's a tip: get pregnant and throw up two to four times each day. You, too, can lose two pounds in six weeks! :-)

Shannon said...

I can't wait to check it out!!