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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Every time I say I'm not going to cut my hair, eight inches mysteriously disappear. But man, did I need it! Not as badly as I need to shed about twenty pounds, but still.

I love taking pictures and having them to look at when I miss my friends and family. And then, I see the person the mirror doesn't always show me: GIGANTOR MARIANNE. She is very large, and her face is most shiny. It could be the lack of makeup or the stinky steamy Missouri summer.

So, I bought this book, which I probably should have bought seven months or so ago:

There are several used copies on Amazon, starting at 29 cents. I brought it to read at work, because I'm obviously eating poorly. It's not just that I want to lose weight - because I so do - but also, I need more energy. Did I mention there's a crawler in my house?

Also, a couple days ago, I tried (for the second time) to put my wedding band back on. It still doesn't fit. It's not just that it doesn't fit, but it digs into my finger, looking for bone. Bah.

If any of you have read this book and have any opinions about it, please drop me an email.